Frequently Asked Questions

A Revolutionary Advancement In Roof Maintenance

Man spraying roof treatment on roof

Kincaide Roof Rejuvenate is not a typical roof sealant or cleaning product. We treat your roof with a scientifically formulated, all natural, agricultural bio-oil solution that re-saturates dried, brittle shingles and restores and extends their life. It's totally safe and clean, and saves property owners thousands of dollars vs. replacement, guaranteed.

A Proven Technology

Agricultural oils have been used for nearly 20 years to extend the life of asphalt pavement. These oils maintain the flexibility of pavement and prevent brittleness which leads to cracks and potholes. Departments Of Transportation in the US use this technology to extend the life of asphalt roadways and save on maintenance and replacement costs. Our supplier, Kincaide Roof Rejuvenate USA, has re-formulated this treatment and made it available for asphalt shingle roofs.  

How It Works

As asphalt shingles age, the petro-chemical oils that maintain the shingle's flexibility and performance begin to evaporate, and problems begin to develop. Kincaide Roof Rejuvenate applies an all-natural bio-based solution that replaces lost petro-chemical oils, bringing the shingle back to life. The first application is guaranteed to extend the life of your roof by 5 years. 

What Kincaide Roof Rejuvenate Treatment Does

  • Rejuvenates aging asphalt shingles so they don't have to be replaced
  • Extends the life of the shingles by 5-15 years
  • Restores flexibility by 86%
  • Reduces damage caused by wind and hail
  • Restores shingle color
  • Kills algae and moss, and hinders re-growth
  • Keeps shingles out of landfills (more below)
  • Improves fire resistance by 40%.
  • Locks in granules and reactivates adhesives

Lab Tested

Independent testing by PRI Asphalt Technologies compared treated vs. untreated shingles with the following findings:

  • Granular adhesion improved by 86%.
  • Flexibility improved from "fail" to "pass".
  • Hail impact was improved.
  • Fire resistance improved by 40%.

Environmental Impact

Group standing on pile of trash

In the US alone, over 11 million tons of asphalt shingles are dumped into landfills every year.  Due to cost and difficulty of recycling, most shingles are never recycled, increasing the potential for negative environmental impact to air quality (shingle dust) and water quality (seepage of petro-chemicals into ground water).  Every roof saved by Kincaide Roof Rejuvenate is one less in the landfill.   

How do I know if my shingles need rejuvenation?

Typically, shingles that are five to ten years old start to show signs of aging, granular loss and could use rejuvenation with the Kincaide Roof Rejuvenate product before they start to curl up and become brittle. Shingles that are curled up at the edges, have significant granule loss or other damage may disqualify a roof for the rejuvenation process.

Is Kincaide Roof Rejuvenate safe?

Kincaide Roof Rejuvenate offers their dealers and customers their USDA Certified BioBased Product 96%, with natural food-grade oils. It is safe in small quantities, can be washed off with soap and water, but like water in a flood, it's not 100% safe but is safe around pets, plants and people.

How much does it cost?

Shingle rejuvenation costs on average around 15% of the cost of replacement.

The average cost of roof replacement in 2020 was $10,000 compared to only $1,500 to rejuvenate.

A certified Kincaide Roof Rejuvenate dealer will asses your roofs condition and qualify it for the rejuvenation process. Based on the size, pitch, access and condition of the roof an estimate will be provided.

What if I have solar or may get it soon?

By rejuvenating your shingles you can ensure a minimum of 5 years past the expected life of the shingles. (Example: a ten year old shingle may have 5-8 years left, by rejuvenating the shingle you can extend that time by an additional 5 years.) That being said, any reputable solar company won't install on a roof that is failing. Rejuvenation gives the homeowner and the solar company another option and a longer window without having to replace the shingles.

What's the difference between this and soft washing with SH?

Shingle rejuvenation restores aging asphalt shingles by replenishing essential oils and materials, preventing issues like cracking and granule loss. Soft washing with sodium hypochlorite involves using a bleach-based solution to remove organic stains like algae and moss, enhancing the roof's appearance without damaging the shingles. Shingle rejuvenation focuses on shingle health, while soft washing targets cosmetic issues, making each method suitable for specific roof maintenance needs.

A roofer told me that rejuvenators would likely void the original shingle manufacturer warranty. Is that true?

It's not true. Our product is not a sealant or coating that creates an external barrier. It soaks into the shingle and replaces what's been lost. If a roof is over 10 years old, the shingle warranty may as well not exist. Most shingle manufacturers warranties no longer cover labor after 10 years. Which means, if you file a claim for defective material, all you're going to get is some prorated % of the material costs. You would still have to pay out of pocket for the labor which is most of the cost.

What does the warranty cover?

The warranty is covered by the dealership spraying the roof. Kincaide Roof Rejuvenate guarantees flexibility and better granular adhesion making the shingles last at least 5 to 10 years longer past the expected lifetime of the shingles.

Some owners want to stop the aging process on older shingles, so depending on how old they are we may not be able to warranty a shingle that is starting to show signs of extreme aging, like when the shingles are starting to curl up. The warranty is transferable to the next homeowner.

Does shingle rejuvenation change the color of the shingles?

Yes, the color of the shingles will darken, similar to what it was like when new. Initially the change can be seen immediately after the initial process is completed, this "darkening" will dissipate over the course of a few days and become lighter as the oils makes it's way into the lower layers of the shingles. Within a couple of years, the shingles will start to lighten up as the surface oils begin to oxidize off and the Kincaide Roof Rejuvenate can be applied again for more years of saturated, functional shingles.

Does this help with moss and algae growing on my roof?

We suggest cleaning the roof first, then rejuvenating your shingles with Kincaide Roof Rejuvenate. Any moss or algae left will likely be smothered and killed. That said, you can find a ton of evidence in the form of before and after pictures in the gallery showing how the Kincaide Roof Rejuvenate successfully smothered and killed black streaking and heavy moss off of roofs without a roof cleaning prior to rejuvenation.

What will my insurance company say?

It really depends on the insurance company, most agree if the shingles can be maintained it saves them and homeowners money in the long run. This process resaturates shingles so they are flexible and hold the the little rock granule in place. Any inspector would see a rejuvenated shingle and see that it performs like new, its holding the rock granule in place, is flexible and not curling up at the edges.

What's "green" about Kincaide Roof Rejuvenate?

The Kincaide Roof Rejuvenate product is a USDA Certified 96% bio-based product. The "green" also refers to the nearly 11 million tons of asphalt shingles that make their way into landfills every year and how shingle rejuvenation extends the life of asphalt shingles, keeping shingles on roofs and out of the landfills for longer. The longer we can use less recyclable materials the better it is for the environment.

What about home owners insurance issues in Michigan? Serious question here.

If your roof is a candidate for rejuvenation, our Authorized dealers will provide a roof certification from an independent state-licensed roofing inspector that all insurance carriers here in Michigan are required to accept. With this certification, your insurance carrier cannot deny you coverage based on roof age or make you replace your roof. In short, Fortunately in Michigan and several other states an inspection report from a certified roofing inspector indicating 5+ years of life protects a homeowner from having to replace their roof in order to keep their coverage.

Do you have to clean the roof first?

Our rejuvenator works by penetrating the surface of the shingle, targeting live growth and effectively eliminating it, even reaching the lower tabs. This eradication of organic growth, coupled with the replenishment of essential oils in the shingle, significantly inhibits mold regrowth. The result is a roof with a consistent, darker appearance akin to its new state.

While soft washing, or roof cleaning, offers immediate curb appeal, it involves harsh chemicals like sodium hypochlorite, which can further degrade the shingle over time. Our aim is to inform homeowners that they have alternative options. By opting for shingle maintenance and rejuvenation, they not only extend the longevity of their shingles but also enhance the overall appearance of their roof.